Friday, February 15, 2013


When I started this training, I didn't know how it much it would change me.  I expected to lose weight (I didn't).  I expected to be super fit by now (I'm not).  I didn't expect to become so emotionally involved in the physical act of running.

Years ago, when I first started hearing about modern day slavery, I accepted it with sorrow, but an attitude of helplessness.  27 million people are enslaved worldwide.  What could I do?  I did what I could, which mostly involved changing some of my buying habits (more fair trade or used items).  When my friends gave me the opportunity to fund raise with them, I thought Finally, something tangible to do.

Now through all the wonderful, supportive friends, family and strangers, we've raised enough to redeem the lives of several young girls--to give them a chance at something more than being property  To give them freedom and a life.

I'm running for the freedom of these children.

I'm running for my freedom from learned helplessness and apathy.

I'm running for the freedom of my daughters, so they will learn that they can change the world.

I'm running for the freedom of the girl whose parents sold her to a brothel owner.

I'm running for freedom from my fat leg.

I'm running to celebrate life and health.

I'm running for freedom and it makes me very happy.

I'm going in a few minutes to pick up my race packet.  I have to keep reminding myself why I'm doing this because honestly this race deal scares the bejeebes out of me.

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